Hi Ho Hi Ho!!! We are home from Disney
We are back!!! An amazing time was had by all. The only bad thing about the trip is that my cell phone and camera got left in the motel room, I discovered this waiting to board the plane home. Oh well, they were found and are in the process of being FedEx'd. So no pictures for a few days.
I have so many wonderful memories I am sure I can't share them all (but I will try). I can start with the plane ride there, the boy was completely amazed that he was flying and that he could fly through the clouds. DQ enjoyed having some uninterrupted time with Grandma. When we got to our hotel we played in the pool for a while then went to bed so we could get to the park early on Friday. When we got to the Magic Kingdom the first thing we saw was the "Cinderbration" show which included all of the princesses and there princes. Halfway through the show my mom and I looked at each other and realized we both were crying, not from the show but from DQ's reaction to seeing everything. DQ kept covering her mouth and gasping and jumping up and down everything she saw a new princess come out (not to sound to hokey, but it really was magical). GB liked the loud music and firecrackers.
I need to go do some housework, but I am going to publish this and update it when I get time so check back throughout the day.