Monday, September 05, 2005

How bad of a parent am I?

For the past week, DQ has refused to ride her bike because she doesn't have a helmet. I know, I know, very bad. I just never got around to getting them helmets, and they really don't ride very much. We have a little patio out back that they use, but they don't use our driveway because it has an incline and my kids are the farthest thing from daredevils. Occasionally I take them to a park or something, as long as it is flat. (which is pretty rare to have flat area in western Connecticut) Anyway, today was a gorgeous day and the kids wanted to ride their bikes, so we had to stop and get them helmets. They were so excited, I do believe that GB will try to sleep in his. He kept looking in the mirror and making crazy faces and strong arms. We ended up going to a park in the next town over and their parking lot was pretty flat so the kids got themselves pretty tired out while I sat under a tree and read. GB actually came home and took a nap, so I was able to catch a snooze on the couch. Pretty cool!!


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