Saturday, January 24, 2009

The family that reads together-is very quiet!!

Yesterday after the kids got home from school, we all sat down in the living room for 2 hours without tv or video games. And it was so quiet tat we were getting annoyed with the geese flying overhead and making so much honking noise. We have Jeff Kinney to thank for that! This week the latest book in the “Wimpy Kid” series was released, the boy has been waiting for this. The boy has never been a great reader of books (although, he will read any sign anywhere, I think it is an attention span thing), but this past summer I picked up a “wimpy kid” book off the Costco book table and figured we would give it a try. He loved it! It is written with little cartoon drawings and some “handwritten” text, perfect to keep the boys attention. So yesterday when I was at Costco (my favorite store), I picked up the newest book “The Last Straw”, the boy was yelling “YesYesIhavebeenwantingthisthankyouthankyouthankyou!!”
How cool is that!

As for me, I had visited the library and signed up for the book club, a neighbor and I are going to try it and see how it goes. I am not sure if it is going to be one of those clubs where the women get together and just gossip and complain (I have a therapist for that) or if we will actually talk about the book. I really enjoyed the book (yes, I already finished it), it is called “Twenty Wishes” by Debbie Macomber. I really love to read and when I get my hands on a book it goes really quick, I heard someone say they inhaled books-yeah, I know what she means. Of course I have to enjoy the book and I really like for things to have a happy ending. It is an escape when I read and I don’t like to be sad (no more Nicolas Sparks), so the only non-fiction I read is cookbooks, I love mysteries and I like the sappy romance too (I can’t believe I am admitting that). I have lots of favorite authors and I love series books, Janet Evanovich, Jeffery Deaver, Nora Roberts, Tess Gerritson, Lee Child, etc. Although I have a new favorite, Jen Lancaster, she isn’t really fiction, but she so funny that I find tears running down my face from laughing so hard. A little disclaimer, she uses some language in her books, so if you don’t like hearing the f-bomb or variations of the f-bomb then maybe you should stay away.

As far as the girl is concerned, anything she can get her hands on she will read. And she will read for hours, if I don't give her a specific place to stop she will continue reading until I find her at midnight saying "Just one more chapter?". Her favorite genre is fantasy, anything with dragons and good vs. evil. One of her favorite books is "Inkheart", it was just released as a movie so we might go see that tomorrow. We'll let you know if the movie is anything like the book.


At 1:41 PM, Blogger Rebekah said...

A neighbor after my own heart!!!
I'll be by later to pick up the book. :)

As for us, we went to the library today and the boy! found 10 books he was interested in... and only one was Star Wars.
Let the reading commense!

At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it when Pierce sits in his room and "reads"! I wonder when I can get the baby to start.... :)

At 6:16 PM, Blogger Leanne Stolpe said...

We'll have to check out the boy's suggestion for Isaac to see if he's interested. Let me know what you think about the book club!

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Leanne Stolpe said...

Did you see the Bucket List? Does "Twenty Wishes" remind you of that movie?

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Carolyn Hansen said...

If you like "happy ending" books, I wonder if you've read any Jan Karon. Her novels are like candy (or like candy you can inhale . . . wonder what that would be like?) I just gave all of mine away or I'd send them to you.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger tracy said...

Leanne-Yes, 20 wishes is like the bucket list. Book club was great!

Carolyn-Thanks for the suggestion. I am requesting them from the library!


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