Monday, September 24, 2007


Here is a pic of our wonderful and adorable kittens. We have decided that their names are Miss Daisy (the white one) and Senorita Loco (the gray one). This picture was obviously taken during the day because they are sleeping. If you wanted to see an action shot I would have to wake up in the middle of the night to get one. They are really so much fun, I should figure out how to put up a video.

Also, belatedly, here are the kids on their first day of school. They are doing very well and seem to be enjoying school. Their teachers are just wonderful and seem to be able to deal well with each kids personality.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Starting Over...

We have started over with the cat situation. We have returned the sick kittens to the SPCA and I found another set of kittens through another organization. These new kittens are so wonderful, they are so much fun to sit and watch. But the best part is they are healthy and litter trained. I don't have the camera set up yet, but I will try to get that done soon so I can get some pics up.

Now that I don't have to worry about cleaning up after kittens I have been able to spend my time painting and decorating. I started with Anna's room, which is turquoise and lime green. The dining room is cream and green with black accents (Zebra curtains)! The kitchen is red and gold. And I am getting ready to paint Peter's room, orange, yellow, and black. I am so excited! I promise to get pics up soon.